For some of us, we're grasping this new reality of social distancing as a weird, temporary, uncomfortable way to force everyone to stay connected through technology, but secretly we're all hoping that very soon we'll be reunited so we can all return back to our "normal lives" right?
But, then again, there's also some of us that already adapted and found comfort in remote socializing long before we were sanctioned to practice social distancing on a global level. So, who are these "people" that were ahead of the curve? Who are the brave souls that were already holding virtual dinner parties, online shop & go's, or Zoom Family Game Nights? If you're thinking millennials - then you guessed right!
Yup! Although social distancing impacts everyone, the adjustment to online events and connection really hasn't impacted millineals. Online and remote connections have great appeal and justification to millenials long before it was even required! Remember, we're the generation that created the modern day hieroglyphics using emojis, we can have a full blown meaningful conversation by texting alone, we rely on social media for our news feed and trust tweets before watching anything on prime time, we can master being in 10 places at the same time simply by acknowledging a video OR comment to express we agree with the concept, all while continuing to stay connected!
This article has everything you need to get comfortable with the concept of meeting and attending events virtually - you never know....this might be you're new normal and you might just LOVE it!
Remember that eventually the season of social distancing related to health/infectious spread will dissipate - but a revolution is on the rise for society accepting the concept of virtual attendance beyond the scope of COVID-19! It's true, gone will be the days that companies, concerts and traditional events required physical presence and those that joined remotely were frowned upon people (you had to have a really good reason not to be there in person and your health or juggling your work/life balance wasn't a "good enough" excuse!), but now we're shifting towards a new form of attendance...think about it...the COVID-19 experience really challenged our social norms by pushing the envelope even further! We've broken traditions and paved the path for time travel by allowing any form of attendance or "promise to view later" as a way to continue to stay connected and support one another! Liking, Sharing, Supporting, Commenting, Watching & Viewing is the new way of claiming your attendance! Am I right, or am I riiiiight?
I get it, you might feel a little overwhelmed by now, and my technology enthusiasm might have you on hyper-drive, but someone has to tell you this, and I'll be the badguy to deliver the message: "You have to incorporate new technology and become comfortable with the concept of being virtual before you can even consider attending, participating or even leading a virtual session."
Take a deep breathe! Remember, you have technology on your side and you can YOUTUBE any tutorial to become a pro at this! So here's the recipe for success on ways you can get comfortable at becoming virtual! I did all the research for you - so all you have to do is:
CLICK on the recommended links below
LISTEN to the instructions on the videos I'm pointing you to
PRACTICE 3x on your own (not once, not twice, three times on your own!)
PRACTICE WITH OTHERS or your DPW mentor/mentee is a great safe space too
and then....
you're ready for prime time!!!
Are you ready?
Of course you are!
You were born ready!
You got this!!
Trust me, you have millions of millenials cheering you on from the sidelines because we're so happy you've finally joined us!!
Here's some tips & pointers from the HPWO & DPW Youth Leaders to make sure you're feeling confident and that you have the right tools & technologies covered!

1) Get comfortable with Technology!
This means practice, practice, practice on using technology so you can get your "technical jitters" out the way! This means you have to practice on the following platforms:
Facebook Live - BOOM everyone CAN SEE YOU & HEAR YOU!!
FB Live Video vs Watch Party
How to use Facebook Video Premieres & Watch Parties
Facebook Watchparty vs. Facebook Live
Tips for Successful Facebook Parties
How to Use IGTV - Upload to Instagram TV
IGTV TUTORIAL! What Is IGTV & How To Use It!
Webex vs Teams vs Zoom for Meetings?
How to Get Comfortable on a Zoom Call
Why Facebook Live Videos Should Always Be Done to Build Your Brand
10 Things You Should Never Do on A Zoom Call | Video Call

2) Find just one wall in your home or office that can be your personalized area even if it's just a single wall!
For example, my mom uses the dining room wall for all her virtual meeting space. She holds all her conference calls, meetings, happy hours, board meetings, agendas, interviews and does most of her talking from literally the middle of our house instead of the home office space my dad setup in a quiet secluded space in the house or her office building! She justified moving her entire setup into the dining room specifically because of the convenience factor of natural sunlight and a view of the backyard garden, all while being able to guard the snack pantry so my brother and I don't indulge in snacks all day (yes, we've been raiding the snacks lately #DontJudge)! In all seriousness, your backdrop and taping area really needs to be neat, and clear of physical clutter and energy drainers; otherwise it takes away from your content, focus and awesome presence!
So, take my mom as an example - she found the center of our the middle of the chaos as her perfect taping area....this is to encourage you to find any spot in your home that works for you! This should take the pressure off and encourage you to setup your taping area anywhere! Once you found your spot, check out these videos:
DIY Home Studio for Youtube Videos | Backdrops for Youtube Videos
Backgrounds for Your Video: a Guide to Building a Home Studio
How To Make Cool DIY YouTube Backdrop
Best DIY video backdrops - DIY Home Studio for YouTube Video

3) Find Accessories that Help Set the Stage!
You don't need tons accessories, but they do help with sound, image and video quality based on your setup.
Sometimes all you need is your smartphone, so make sure to checkout all the tutorials about features you probably didn't even know existed!
Check out some of these recommendations:
The Best Beginner to Pro Tips and Tutorial (Very Detailed)
I Don't Want to Buy Any Equipment, just give me some practical tips!
Budget Friendly
Ultimate YouTube & Video Ready Equipment

4) Make Sure You Put Effort Into Your Look! Yes, you're going to have to put effort into your look - you'll be on video and most likely recorded, but that doesn't mean you have to break the bank! The key is to keep it neat! Check out these tips:
How to Look Great on Zoom Conference Calls
Look Good On Video Calls for Zoom FaceTime Skype
How to look professional in a Zoom meeting
How to Look Great on Any Webcam, Zoom Call or YouTube Video
How to be Confident On Camera

5) If You Record Your Videos, Make Sure to Upload Them on YouTube!
Tips to convert your content and get it ready for YouTube
How to Gain Followers Once You Post Your Content on YouTube
How to Edit Your Recorded Videos
7 Streams of Income for Your Content
Your 6 Month YouTube Income Goals
Okay...are you feeling confident yet? You should!
Remember it takes PRACTICE, COMMITMENT and DEDICATION. It's always great to assess and review you own videos, so make sure you always watch your videos or conduct a test rehearsal before pushing any content out on the web!
If you decide to upload content to YouTube, post it in the link below so we can review, like and support you AND....Welcome to the Revolution of Virtual Attendance!
#DPWO #DPW #HPW #YouthLeadership #GenerationalTrends #DallasProfessionalWomen #HoustonProfessionalWomen #HowToGetReadyForZoomMeetings #OnlineMeetings #Zoom
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